Tactical Shotgun I
Course Description
This one-day course is designed for shotgun owners to utilize their weapon in a tactical environment. Students will learn proper firearms handling and then practice those techniques on the range. This course is designed for those who wish to expand their abilities with the shotgun. The topics that will be covered include:
- Shooting and moving
- Malfunction Drills
- Types of speed loading
- Patterning
- Shooting positions
- Shooting from cover
- Multiple engagements
Required Equipment
- Eye Protection (wrap around style)
- Shotgun w/ sling
- Method to hold ammo (pouch, etc.)
- Ear Protection
- 200 rounds of bird shot
- 20 rounds of slug & 20 rounds of buckshot
Recommended Equipment
- Cold / Wet Weather Gear (as appropriate)
- Notebook w/ writing utensil
- Cleaning kit
- Knee pads
- Brimmed hat
- Loose fitting clothing (no shorts)
- Camelback or similar
- Snacks
Class Size
6-12 students
Course Cost
$150.00 (range fees included)