Women’s Pistol 1

Course Description

This half-day course is to help new and experienced shooters become more comfortable with pistol shooting and develop their skill sets. The first half of the course will be spent in the classroom answering questions and discussing the safety and handling of firearms. The focus is to make the shooter more informed and more comfortable with a pistol. The classroom portion will be followed by live fire drills conducted on a closed range so only those people in the class will be on the range. The topics that will be covered include:

  • Firearms Safety and Proper Storage
  • Cleaning and Maintenance of a pistol
  • Loading and Unloading
  • Fundamentals of Marksmanship
  • Defensive Firearms Use

*We have a limited number of pistols available to use on a first-come, first-served basis. Please let us know if you would like to use one. 

Required Equipment

Recommended Equipment

Class Size

6-12 students

Course Cost

$100.00 (range fees included)